Gulf/2000 Bookstore
A selection of books and authors is provided below. To search the entire
holdings of Amazon.com for any topic of interest, use the search function.
- Law and Power in the Islamic World by Sami Zubaida
- Islam, the People and the State: Essays on Political Ideas and Movements in the Middle East by Sami Zubaida
- Forbidding Wrong in Islam by Michael Cook (Cambridge University Press, August 2003)
- The New Pillar: Conservative Arab Gulf States and U.S. Strategy by Simon Henderson (Washington Institute Policy Paper 58, October 2003)
- Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World Richard C. Martin, ed. (Hardcover, October 2003)
- Beyond Baghdad: Postmodern War and Peace by Ralph Peters
- Crises in the Contemporary Persian Gulf by Barry Rubin et al. (BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel, 30 Nov 2001)
- Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East, by Clement M. Henry and Robert Springborg (2001)
- Index of Academic Journal Articles on the Middle East
Compiled by the Council on Foreign Relations.
- The Persian Gulf at the Millennium : Essays in Politics, Economy, Security, and Religion by Gary Sick (Editor), Lawrence G. Potter (Editor) (1998)
- The Persian Gulf in Transition (Headline Series, No. 315) by Lawrence G. Potter (1998)
- Political Violence and Stability in the States of the Northern Persian Gulf by Daniel Byman, Jerrold D. Green (1999)
- New Media in the Muslim World : The Emerging Public Sphere (Indiana Series in Middle East Studies) by Dale F. Eickelman (Editor), Jon W. Anderson, Anderson Jon W. (Editor) (1999)
- Middle East at the Crossroads : The Changing Political Dynamics and the Foreign Policy Challenges by Manochehr Dorraj (Editor) (1999)
- The Middle East : A History by Sydney Nettleton Fisher, William L. Ochsenwald (1997)
- Liberal Islam : A Sourcebook by Charles Kurzman (Editor) (1998)
- War and Peace in the Gulf : Domestic Politics and Regional Relations into the 1990s by Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Gerd Nonneman, Charles Tripp (1991)
- The Persian Gulf Crisis by Steven A. Yetiv (1997)
- The Arab Gulf States by John Peterson (1988)
- After the Storm : Lessons from the Gulf War by Roger K. Smith (Editor), Joseph S. Nye (Editor) (1993)
- All in the Family : Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies (Suny Series in Middle Eastern Studies) by Michael Herb (1999)
- The Arab Gulf and the West by Brian Pridham (Editor) (1985)
- Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and the Uae : Challenges of Security (Csis Middle East Dynamic Net Assessment) by Anthony H. Cordesman (1997)
- Change and Development in the Gulf by Abbas Abdelkarim (Editor) (1999)
- Encyclopedia of the Persian Gulf War by Mark Grossman (Editor), Sheikh R. Ali, Rolin G. Mainuddin (Contributor) (1995)
- Guardians of the Gulf; A History of America's Expanding Role in the Persian Gulf, 1833-1992 by Michael A. Palmer (1992)
- Iran and the Gulf : A Search for Stability by Jamal S. Suwaidi (Editor) (1997)
- Iraq's Road to War by Amatzia Baram (Editor), Barry M. Rubin (Editor) (1994)
- Small Islands, Big Politics : The Tonbs and Abu Musa in the Persian Gulf by Hooshang Amirahmadi (Editor) (1996)
- Countries & Tribes of the Persian Gulf by Samuel Miles (1997)
- Historical Dictionary of the Gulf Arab States (Asian Historical Dictionaries, No 21) by Malcolm C. Peck (1996)
- Iran-Iraq War : Impact and Implications by Efraim Karsh (Editor) (1989)
- The Persian Gulf Region in the Twenty First Century : Stability and Change by Nozar Alaolmolki (1996)
- The GCC states in an unstable world : foreign-policy dilemmas of small states by Hassan Hamdan Alkim
- Arab-Iranian Relations by Khair El-Din Haseeb (Editor), Khair El-Din Haseeb (1998)
- Global Communication and World Politics : Domination, Development, and Discourse by Majid Tehranian (1999)
- New Media, New Politics? From Satellite Television to the Internet in the Arab World by Jon B. Alterman (1998).
- New Frontiers in Middle East Security, Lenore G. Martin(Editor) (1998)
- Modernity and the Millennium : The Genesis of the Baha'I Faith in the Nineteenth-Century Middle East by Juan Ricardo Cole (1998)
- Revolutions and Revolutionary Waves by Mark N. Katz (1999)
- Reflections on Revolutions by Mark N. Katz
- Security and Territoriality in the Persian Gulf by Pirouz Mojtahed-Zadeh (October 1999)
- Women, States, and Nationalism : At Home in the Nation by Sita Ranchod-Nilsson(Editor), Mary Ann Tetreault (Editor) - (London and New York: Routledge, 2000)--includes chapters on Hindu-Muslim conflicts in India by Geeta Chowdhry, on citizenship in Kuwait by Mary Ann Tetreault and Haya al-Mughni, and on women in the Israeli military by Edna Levy
- The Caspian Region at a Crossroad: A New Frontier of Energy and Development, by Hooshang Amirahmadi, ed., St. Martin Press, NY, 2000.
- The Arab Shi'a: The Forgotten Muslims, by Graham E. Fuller and Rend Rahim Francke, Saint Martin's Press, 1999
- Managing New Developments in the Gulf by Rosemary Hollis (ed), (RIIA, October 2000)
- Islam : A Short History by Karen Armstrong (Modern Library Chronicles, 2000)
- Diplomacy in the Middle East: The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers edited by L. Carl Brown (I. B. Tauris, February 2001). $59.50 (cloth). ISBN 1-86064-640-9.
- Contemporary Debates In Islam: An Anthology of modernist and Fundamentalist Thought, edited by Mansoor Moaddel and Kamran Talattof (Macmillan, 2000). 35.00 Pounds (hardcover). ISBN 0-333-75474-3.
- 'Pariah States' and Sanctions in the Middle East: Iraq Libya Sudan by Tim Niblock (Lynne Rienner, April 2001). $49.95 (hardcover). ISBN 1-55587-962-4.
- Economic Policy and Performance in the Arab World by Paul Rivlin (Lynne Rienner, January 2001). $49.95 (hardcover). ISBN 1-55587-932-2.
- The Gulf: Future Security and British Policy by The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR, 2000). 20.00 Pounds (hardcover). ISBN 0-86372-260-1.
- Religion and State: The Muslim Approach to Politics by L. Carl Brown, Columbia University Press, 2000
- The Persian Gulf and South Asia : Prospects and Problems of Inter-Regional Cooperation by Bhabani Sen Gupta (Editor), 2001
- New Media in the Muslim World: The Emerging Public Sphere by Dale F. Eickelman and Jon W. Anderson (eds.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999
- Jihad: The Rise and Fall of Islamic Extremism by Gilles Kepel, (IB Tauris, 2001), 384 pp.