The Gulf/2000 Project Change, Cooperation and Communication in the Persian Gulf
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What would you like to know about Oman? Below are some links that will answer most of your questions.

If you don't find the specific information you want, click on "Reference" to the left, select the appropriate specialized collection from the links provided, and search for Oman. When using the reference sources, note the date of the most recent update. Some information, such as the names of current government officials, may be out of date.

General Background:

  1. Library of Congress Foreign Area Handbook
    Authoritative discussions of Oman's history, society, culture, economy, security. Also summaries of the historical setting of the Persian Gulf, the role of Islam, Gulf wars, and much more.

  2. Oman Studies Centre
    Links to official, commercial and private Oman-related sites.

  3. Oman Infoworld
    Tourism, culture, economy.


  1. Oman's Foreign Policy
    Rand Research Brief by Joseph Kechichian.

What's New on the Web:

  1. Souk of Oman
    Heavy on shopping, as the name implies, but much more.

  2. Web sites relating to Oman, compiled by Yahoo
    Includes access to chat groups, news, and specialized web pages as well as a listing of universities, government organizations, and cultural and social resources.

National Press:


Human Rights:

  1. Human Rights Watch
    Click on Oman.

  2. State Department Human Rights Reports
    Search for Oman.

Oil/Energy & Commerce:

  1. US Department of Energy
    Energy profile. Search for Oman.

  2. Economic and Trade Practices
    US State Department Reports. Search for Oman.

  3. US State Department Commercial Notes
    Economic trends, economic & trade statistics for Oman.


  1. A Modern History of Oman: Formation of the State Since 1920 by Francis Owtram, (IB Tauris, 2001), 224 pp.

  2. Oman and the World : The Emergence of an Independent Foreign Policy by Joseph A. Kechichian (1996)

  3. The Road to Ubar : Finding the Atlantis of the Sands by Nicholas Clapp (1998)

General Background


What's New on the Web

National Press


Human Rights

Oil/Energy & Commerce


School of International & Public Affairs

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